it en

Join the Camp!

To complete the application form, the following documents of the participant must be scanned in .pdf format, with a maximum weight of 8 MB (the scanned documents must then be printed out and placed in the case)

  • Participant’s ID Card

name the file “participantSurname_name _identity_card”.

  • Participant’s health card or health insurance

name the file “participantSurname_name_health_card”.

  • Participant Vaccination Certificate with all previous vaccinations

name the file ‘participantSurname_name_vaccinal_certificate’.

If the fee for travel and external activities is to be paid by the agency, please do not fill in the box ‘travel’ and ‘external sports activities’.

  • Medical Certificate for Food Allergies/Intolerances if applicable

name the file ‘participantSurname_name_certificate_food’.

  • If necessary, the Medical Certificate for ongoing Diseases and Therapies

name the file ‘participantSurname_name_certificate_therapies’.

After submitting the form you will receive an automatic confirmation email, if you do not receive it please check your spam/junk mail box.


To move between the pages of the form use only the ‘NEXT’ and ‘PREVIOUS’ buttons. Do not use the browser arrows otherwise the form will have to be filled in again even if the fields show text.

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