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Corporate welfare and our commitment to families

We believe in participation and we feel a great empathy towards parents and their role which is so difficult and important for the whole society.

This is why we place ourselves alongside them and alongside educational institutions to offer an educational holiday that helps the child in his tasks during the year and accompanies him in his evolution.

In our first 65 years we have collaborated with the welfare program of major companies: among the others, Roche, Pfizer, GSK Consumer Healthcare, Prysmian Group, Banco BPM, Pirelli, Patheon Italia, AkzoNobel, Actavis, Saipem via Eudaimon, Touring Club Italiano, Fratelli Branca Distillerie, Isotta Fraschini.

These experiences, different every year, lead us to enrich ourselves, grow, humanly improve and increase our ability to be flexible to face every different reality that life brings us.

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